A journey without borders! Get rid of the barriers of your mind, pursue your most secret desires. Provocative and sensual, Eurostar is a truly mysterious and feminine fragrance inspired by the mystical, sexy and exotic tones of the orchid. Its highly luxurious qualities Charangel Eurostar add color to day and night. When the lid is opened, a delicious scent of persimon and pomegranate is immediately perceived, followed by orchids and lotus flowers. Base notes include amber, mahogany wood and musk and an addictive blend.

Net: 50 ml.



A journey without borders! Get rid of the barriers of your mind, pursue your most secret desires. Provocative and sensual, Eurostar is a truly mysterious and feminine fragrance inspired by the mystical, sexy and exotic tones of the orchid. Its highly luxurious qualities Charangel Eurostar add color to day and night. When the lid is opened, a delicious scent of persimon and pomegranate is immediately perceived, followed by orchids and lotus flowers. Base notes include amber, mahogany wood and musk and an addictive blend.

Net: 50 ml.